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campaign has ruled him

  • 2020年3月1日

    NEW YORK -- While Doc Rivers demonstrative ejection will draw plenty of attention, DeAndre Jordan believes the Los Angeles Clippers sudden swoon has more to do with them feeling their early season success a tad too much. Nike Air Max 1 2020 .Rivers had to be held back by players and assistant coaches after he was ejected in the first of two overtimes during the teams 127-122 loss to the Brooklyn Nets?on Tuesday.With 18.6 seconds left in the first overtime and the Clippers trailing 117-115, Rivers walked past midcourt, almost to the Nets bench, to argue a foul called by official Lauren Holtkamp.Rivers was whistled for a technical foul and then handed a second technical and an automatic ejection by lead official Ken Mauer, which set Rivers off.I thought it was an awful tech, Rivers said after the Clippers lost for a third straight time on the road.Honestly, I think you guys know why the tech was called, Rivers continued. The official who had nothing to do with the play thought I was yelling at Lauren, and I wasnt. Actually, she said, Doc, youre right, or whatever, Lets walk back. We were walking. We werent even arguing. So it was the damnedest tech to give at that time.What the league is going to do, theyre going to fall back on, He crossed half court. Youll see tomorrow, thats what theyre going to say. And were going to all know thats not the real reason. I dont think an official that has nothing to do with the play should be giving someone a tech. Thats my thing. Thats why I got upset. He didnt even know what we were talking about. It wasnt even an argument. But listen, that had nothing to do with the game, and thats not why we lost the game.Mauer explained to a pool reporter that Rivers earned the first technical foul for crossing over midcourt. Thats automatic. Mauer then said the second technical came because of Rivers behavior.Do I need to explain it to you? Mauer said. Watch the tape. Behavior, language warrants a second technical foul. Warranted an ejection after getting a first technical foul.The Clippers and Holtkamp have some history. In February 2015, Holtkamp hit Chris Paul with a technical foul following an exchange on an inbounds pass, and Paul ripped the call postgame, calling it terrible and saying that officiating might not be for her. The NBA fined Paul $25,000 for his comments.Holtkamp also assessed Paul a technical foul this past February for an overt clap in her direction.Although the Clippers (14-5) still managed to force a second overtime without Blake Griffin, who sat out the game to rest, L.A.s third straight road loss led Jordan to bluntly assess the team.I think we are smelling ourselves a little bit, said Jordan, who had 21 points and 23 rebounds. We havent done s---. Nothing. We were No. 1 in the West for a couple of weeks? That dont mean nothing. At all.I feel like we took that for granted. We thought we were a lot better than we really are. We got to continue to get better and have respect for the game.Rivers felt that Tuesday was the first time this season the Clippers went into a game with the wrong attitude and mentality.We just hadnt played well the other two [losses] but we came in the game with the right attitude, Rivers said. Tonight, we got good all of the sudden. We were walking around like we done something. And that bothers me. Because weve done crap. We havent done crap.And for us to walk around against a team -- to me, that is playing their hearts out every night to just win one game -- for us to walk around like we have done something, it bothers me on a basketball level. I didnt like it. Cheap Nike Air Max 1 .S. Open champion Justin Rose birdied the first hole with a blind shot he hit to a foot of the pin, and he stayed in front Tuesday until he completed a 4-under 67 for a two-shot lead over Jason Dufner in PGA Grand Slam of Golf. Nike Air Max 1 2021 . Zvonareva, who won the tournament in 2009 and 10, couldnt handle her opponents big groundstrokes in only her third event back after 17 months out with a shoulder injury. Zvonareva made her comeback in January in Shenzhen and played in the Australian Open but lost her first matches at both tournaments. . Malkin got tangled up with Detroits Luke Glendening early in the third period and his left skate took the brunt of collision with the boards behind Pittsburghs net.LAUSANNE, Switzerland -- New sports could be added to the Summer Olympics by cutting less competitive events within existing sports, IOC presidential candidate Denis Oswald said Monday. Oswald said a "more creative approach" is needed to establish the sports program in the wake of the IOCs handling of wrestlings Olympic status. "If you streamline some sports and keep only their events which are really universal, you could go further," Oswald said at a news conference to detail his campaign platform in the six-man race to succeed Jacques Rogge. "This space can go to different sports so that we can really create fresh blood within the program." Oswald said he is "pretty convinced" that wrestling will return to the Olympics after being eliminated in February from the core list for the 2020 Games in a process that was designed to bring in a new sport to fulfil the 28-sport limit. Wrestling, squash and a joint baseball-softball bid made the IOC shortlist last week for inclusion as an additional sport in 2020. A final decision will be made at the IOC session in Buenos Aires, Argentina, two days before the Sept. 10 presidential election. If wrestling wins the vote, no new sport will be brought in. "I was very surprised that was wrestling was eliminated," Oswald said. "I think there were other ways to warn them. At the end, the wish was to have a new sport." Oswald is competing against IOC vice-presidents Thomas Bach of Germany and Ng Ser Miang of Singapore, Richard Carrion of Puerto Rico, C.K. Wu of Taiwan and Sergei Bubka of Ukraine to replace Rogge, who steps down after completing a full 12-year mandate. Oswald picked up on widespread dissatisfaction with the sports program review, which left youth-oriented sports such as wakeboarding and roller sports shut out. The IOC has imposed a cap of 28 sports and 10,500 athletes to help host cities control costs and prepare for staging the 16-day event. "Its not necessary to stick to 28 sports," Oswald told reporters. "Every sport can make a certain effort, then you could have morre than 28. Discount Nike Air Max 1. There are some events which are pretty similar in which the athletes can win." Even in established sports, only "four or five nations" were likely to win medals in some events, the longtime rowing federation president said. Oswald also spoke against a proposed "United World Championship" to be held every four years for Olympic and non-Olympic sports. The project was put forward by judo federation president Marius Vizer after his election last Friday as head of the umbrella body SportAccord. "I dont think there is any city in the world which can accommodate such a games," said Oswald, who oversaw preparations for the 2004 Athens Olympics and 2012 London Games. "Everyone being a bit realistic realizes it is not possible." Oswald also proposes simplifying the process of cities bidding to host an Olympics, which currently involves bid officials travelling to make presentations to sports conferences and regional Olympic meetings. The 100-plus IOC members who will elect Rogges successor could also be given more work and responsibility under Oswalds leadership. "I think we should make better use of the members we have. I know many of them are willing to do more," he said. Oswald said it was "very difficult to know" how his election prospects shaped up. Still, his commitment to an IOC campaign has ruled him out of consideration for the presidency of the World Anti-Doping Agency, which becomes vacant in November. Oswald, with a background in sports law and as an arbitrator on the Court of Arbitration for Sport, has been mentioned as a possible WADA candidate, along with IOC vice-president Craig Reedie of Britain and former IOC medical director Patrick Schamasch. "The two things are not compatible. I had to make a choice," Oswald said. "WADA is no longer a consideration for me." Oswald calls his platform "My 5 Rings." He said he will present his detailed manifesto to IOC members in the next few weeks. All six candidates will speak to the members in Lausanne on July 4. ' ' '