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Sfoglia FAQs » Prodotti » Nozioni di base
  • You can display only one video and any number of photos in your Product's Slideshow.
    You can display only one video and any number of photos in your Product's Slideshow.
  • You can display a slideshow containing photos and videos, by using "Show in Slideshow" option available in the 'Photos' and 'Videos' sect...
    You can display a slideshow containing photos and videos, by using "Show in Slideshow" option available in the 'Photos' and 'Videos' sections on your Product Dashboard.
  • If you have completed configuring your Product and want it to be available for public then select its status as: "Published", otherwise, ...

    If you have completed configuring your Product and want it to be available for public then select its status as: "Published", otherwise, if you would like to save current configurations of your Product, and continue configuring it later on, and would not like your Product to be visible to public, then choose status as: "Saved As Draft". Once you save the Product as "Published", it cannot be switched back to draft mode.

  • Products can be made Featured and Sponsored only by our site administrators. If you want your product to be specially marked as Featured ...
    Products can be made Featured and Sponsored only by our site administrators. If you want your product to be specially marked as Featured and Sponsored on our site, then please contact us by filling up your requirements in the "Contact Us" form by using 'Contact' link available in the footer of the site. Your request will be considered by our site administrators.
  • You can delete your Product by using "Delete Product" option available in the "My Products" section. You can also delete your product by ...
    You can delete your Product by using "Delete Product" option available in the "My Products" section. You can also delete your product by using "Delete" option available on your Product’s Profile page.
  • To create a Product, please follow the steps below: Click on "Products" from the main navigation menu bar at the top of any page on th...

    To create a Product, please follow the steps below:

    • Click on "Products" from the main navigation menu bar at the top of any page on this community.
    • Go to "New Product" section.
    • Fill the basic details for your Product.
    • When you are done, click on "Save Changes" button to create your Product.
    • Configure and enhance your Product from its Dashboard.
    • Add content like Photos, Videos, Where to Buy etc. to enhance your Product. The availability of such contents is conditional.